Heroes of the Fourth Turning

by Will Arbery
Los Altos Stage Company | Jan. - Feb. 2024
Directed by Gary Landis

Tim Garcia as Kevin
April Culver as Emily
Sarah Thermond as Teresa
Will Livingston as Justin
Lee Ann Payne as Gina

“With a cast of five who give stellar performances under the astute direction of Artistic Director Gary Landis, Los Altos Stage Company opens an intriguing, eye-opening, oft-perplexing, and sometimes unsettling Heroes of the Fourth Turning... Kevin is in many ways the opposite of Teresa, even though he so wants to be one of her heroes and to prove to her that he is a real warrior. Kevin not only is a drunken mess much of the evening, but his own sense of self-worth is on the other end of the scale from Teresa's overblown ego and self-confidence. ‘I think there is a demon in me ... I'm not OK ... I'm the worst,’ he moans and cries in many different ways (often with alcohol-enabled, remorseful tears while wallowing on the ground). He has questions that range from why Catholics must love the Virgin Mary (‘Why do I feel so angry about [her]?’) to why Catholics must always be conservative politically–questions that show he has both doubts and curiosity while he also struggling to be as hardcore as he thinks Teresa wants him to be.

Tim Garcia is magnificent as this blubbering mess seemingly on the verge of a total breakdown. His body seems to be made of rubber as he twists and turns his bony hands, flails like a madman with his arms, or wraps his torso into a near pretzel, all the while raising with pointed clarity questions that make his friends uneasy.” - Theatre Eddys


The Boys in the Band